Sunday, May 19, 2013

Red 'Chinese' Painted Dresser

Well, here is the faux ancient wood chest from the orient, bwa ha ha! This was an old dresser from the 70's or earlier--how do I know that? Because the inside bottoms of those 3 drawers were lined with old Holly Hobbie paper...remember that? There were even smock tops made from that fabric--I know, I had two in 6th grade! So what was that , 1973/74??--yikes!
White house paint had been slapped on this, so I just spray painted it with some deep red and the rest occurred by magic! (Not really, been painting the designs on and off for a couple months...but I do like it and if I had room, I'd keep it!)  Just waiting for the grunge coating and varnish to dry...and it is soooo  humid!  I am really glad I decided not to drill holes and add knobs.

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