At 4:00am, Brig came downstairs: "There's something in my room!" I groggily replied..."just a wasp...there were 2 in the kitchen..."
"No," he said, "There's SOMETHING IN MY ROOM!" Again I told him it was just a wasp bumpin around...and he said I just needed to sit on his bed and "LISTEN".
As he went on to work, I just HAD to find out for myself...."f f f f f f f f f f ooom". "f f f f f f f f f f ooooom." "f f f f f f f f ff f f ooooooom". It was regular as clockwork and soon I discovered it was a tiny bat circling his room like a Kenyan on a 10k! Round and 'round it flew with a faint flutter vibration and when I stood up it came dangerously close to my head and I envisioned all those screaming TV actresses suffering so-called bat attacks!
It was getting tired and confused so I finally caught the poor little thing in a baseball hat and tossed the whole thing outside--didn't want to get bit.

But tonight, right when Phelps was getting to swim, here was a bat watching the Olympics with us! This one was much larger and faster and circled between 3 rooms until we shut some doors, grabbed a camera, pillow, and another baseball hat. It took MUCH longer to get this one shooed toward the propped-open door, and its aggressiveness caused many shrieks, giggles, and wild arm waving. (No, Brigham didn't shriek....but then it didn't nearly crawl up HIS calf either!)

(Brigham 'stylin' late this afternoon. Reminds me of when he was 2 years old; shorts twisted sideways and cowboy boots with a pink tee...) when animals circle or run, do they ALWAYS go counter-clockwise like humans??? And why DO we always run the track counter-clockwise?
1 comment:
I live in a two story walk-up and the windows are always open. A bat flying in here would be my worst nightmare (well maybe not worst). We were on a fishing trip once and one got in the room early one morning. I did everything except shriek like a little school girl-don't do well with the vermin.
A bat got in a friend of mine's basement suite and was there when she got home from work. She has a cat and noticed blood smeared on the walls. The cat was OK and one of those "urban rescue" companies removed the intruder but she ended up having to receive a series of rabies shots-those don't sound like much fun.
You're braver than me, I probably would have gone and stayed in a hotel...
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