Saturday, June 7, 2008

Serial Killer Painters

Several summers ago, my daughter and I were doing some random painting jobs for the local King of Craphouses (sorry, the guy has tons of rental apartments and homes, but doesn't always maintain them to a very high degree).

In the past, we'd painted the interior of a newly constructed home, which was nice, but the contractor was going through a divorce... And when I was just out of high school I worked as an exterior painter down in the town of Emporia where you could just wear your shorts and a bikini top and get a good tan. As a freshman in high school, we painted a gym one summer with a horrid greenish paint and boys took rollers and zipped them up and down our legs, which we had to wash off with gasoline. I think this was an attempt at flirtation!

Some bizarre things had happened a few years ago around here: a lady disappeared in the next town over (I still swear that messiah man knows what happened, but is too bonkers to talk coherently about it) and there was the world's largest LSD bust (!) here in Wamego, and then there was the woman in the other close town that was found cut to pieces all over the place. Body parts strewn everywhere. Pieces in a creek, fingers in baggies; it was crazy and I had her grandkids in class. Disturbing.

Then I remember standing at the gas station and another painter working down the street saying that they'd found some human remains behind a wall when they'd pulled away some old lathe and plaster. Cool!

Well, as Bail and I labored in this ancient old home that had been divided into apartments, we had to pick up ladders or various equipment out by the junkyard on the outskirts of town, as the landlord guy had many employees that worked construction so we all shared the stuff. Every time we went out there we elbowed each other and giggled because there was a rather cute young man we'd pass by and eye. A few days later (after several trips to obtain just the right ladder!) I was shocked to hear that our cute guy had been arrested. It was terrible! He'd killed at least 5 men. Apparently, he'd prey on homeless people in Boston and feared getting caught so he traveled down to KS to stay with a relative.
I was really scared and mad that we'd been put in that position to walk right by him, but who knew? He looked so normal...

I don't know why but this brings to mind a bumper sticker I saw today: It is all the Bizarre People in the World that Create's All it's Beauty.

Hmm. That is way out of place.


Dan Johnson said...

Awesome post! Have you seen the movie Gummo? Love your comments about jazz. I occasionally feign interest and talk about Miles Davis or Chet Baker but I'm like you... irritated.

I'd like to write more but
I need to head out the door

B. Diederich said...

Gummo...I will look that up. Never heard of it...