Thursday, August 21, 2008

Travis Metcalf

I see one of our hometown baseball boys is listed on ESPN's scoreboard:

Yeah, Travis!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Baseball players....

no names here....but isn't this cute?! Found it on my computer today...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

4:00 am

This early morning hour is beginning to get a little strange... today was myself answering Brigg's call--"I just hit a deer."
When you get a call that early, you usually force your brain into action, knowing that it can't be your normal, everyday phone call. (Except for Tegan, calling from Hong Kong or Guam...and those were exciting or a relief.)Anyway, my first sentence was this statement...."Aren't you glad you weren't on a motorcycle?" (He'd been wanting one all summer and didn't seem to be listening to his elders remind him of deer and death) followed by, "It's all right. Are you OK?"
Someone totaled Bailey's car on her first day of classes when she went to KU... then she'd used my red truck for a few days and had returned it when she started to cry in the living room...she'd just hit someone with my truck too, and thought I'd be mad! It wasn't too noticeable and to me the only thing that matters wasn't any darn vehicle but the humans involved, plus, what can you do about it anyway?!

Brig thought he'd totaled my truck and believe me, I drove his truck pretty slowly going to pick him up--I didn't want to run into a creature either. The Chevy didn't look good by flashlight (or flashing lights!), but Copfriend hauled it back to town this afternoon and it will be fixable. New windshield, new hood--(it flew up, bent, and blinded him), whole new front, lights, blah blah... and when I said, "let's find the deer", Brigs was more focused on catching a grasshopper resting on a weed beside I think he was shook up. (That, or it is really hard for him to look at a dead animal unless it is a squirrel or bird.)
It is an expensive lesson/experience, but I guess its beneficial to know what an accident feels they learn something new every day.... or as Bailey says, "Too many deer?! RELEASE THE PANTHERS!"
Just had to post this little fawn...Brig worked on his truck a couple weeks ago at Capone's place by Alma...they'd been raising a motherless fawn since birth on a bottle. They moved it outdoors as soon as it was deemed safe/best for the little thing, but it came to the door every day to be fed several times. Isn't this just the cutest little pic?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Frantic Bats 'n Baseball Hats!

At 4:00am, Brig came downstairs: "There's something in my room!" I groggily replied..."just a wasp...there were 2 in the kitchen..."
"No," he said, "There's SOMETHING IN MY ROOM!" Again I told him it was just a wasp bumpin around...and he said I just needed to sit on his bed and "LISTEN".
As he went on to work, I just HAD to find out for myself...."f f f f f f f f f f ooom". "f f f f f f f f f f ooooom." "f f f f f f f f ff f f ooooooom". It was regular as clockwork and soon I discovered it was a tiny bat circling his room like a Kenyan on a 10k! Round and 'round it flew with a faint flutter vibration and when I stood up it came dangerously close to my head and I envisioned all those screaming TV actresses suffering so-called bat attacks!
It was getting tired and confused so I finally caught the poor little thing in a baseball hat and tossed the whole thing outside--didn't want to get bit.
But tonight, right when Phelps was getting to swim, here was a bat watching the Olympics with us! This one was much larger and faster and circled between 3 rooms until we shut some doors, grabbed a camera, pillow, and another baseball hat. It took MUCH longer to get this one shooed toward the propped-open door, and its aggressiveness caused many shrieks, giggles, and wild arm waving. (No, Brigham didn't shriek....but then it didn't nearly crawl up HIS calf either!)
(Brigham 'stylin' late this afternoon. Reminds me of when he was 2 years old; shorts twisted sideways and cowboy boots with a pink tee...) when animals circle or run, do they ALWAYS go counter-clockwise like humans??? And why DO we always run the track counter-clockwise?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Slide Show

Made a necklace last night while I watched the Olympics. Gymnastics--Chinese Men. Awesome. Beach Volleyball--Latvia. On fire. Swimming: many broken records...
I stole Brigg's 'chain'; so I'll change this one later...
I'd brought home a shoebox of aluminum slides when I worked on Thursday, all someone's vacations from around 1953; made a very simplistic, tiny collage covered by a piece of clear plastic I cut from an empty CD case with a razor blade. THAT was the most difficult part...not slicing myself. I will wear it to work tomorrow, but it will probably be frowned upon...! I can't help it! I WAS bored!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

More Trash....

I was berating myself lately for not doing anything this summer (like editing wedding photos--but Brigg hogs the computer so much) and I decided I would post the few random items that I DID do-- not REAL art, but at least its some items that won't make me seem like a total lazy loser...
(I canned 13 jars of tomatoes, but that doesn't count, and painting the upper outside of the house by Bailey's old room doesn't either, nor does making cakes for Brett and Paula with leftover wedding frosting....)
Here's what I've been doing:
1. Homemade crocheted rag rugs: a bright 'Tropical' one at Sandy's cottage; a 'Brown+blue' one in the bathroom; one I call 'Americana' that I don't want cause its not my color scheme (I don't really have a color scheme since nothing matches anyway, but Americana would make it even worse!); and leftover strips of random materials that I just call 'Party Vomit'. Tearing strips of old skirts/pants/dresses (trash) and mindlessly crocheting with a giant hook in front of HGTV is a great excuse to pretend one is actually being creative--plus you can stay in out of the heat!

2. Pounded out some of my vast collection of beer caps with a hammer to nail to the roof of a bird house....trash for SHINGLES! Later I will paint the bird house is the current one and an old one... I kind of like the rusty look, but I sprayed the new one to preserve the color for a bit longer... (I don't drink all these--I beg people for the colorful, unusual ones and Teg and Bail have donated to the cause! This reminds me to re-inform Cardman of this task when he travels to New Zealand...)

3. Starting a new drawing based on a jellyfish and stack of tires.... can only work a few minutes at a time since I don't have much patience and the lighting in here is terrible in the evenings...

4. Another collage book called (of course) "The Wasteland"...although I should have titled it based on the Prufrock poem and the line: "I have measured out my life with coffee spoons"... Yup. I shore do!