Sunday, March 22, 2009


Spring Break was an awesome week--spending time with my daughter before she moves; it was fun to hang out here and at their 'barn'.
I also managed to creep around one room of my basement, clearing cobwebs and debris, and sacking up a truckload of mildewy art and assorted costumes and $hit. I was down there thinking, rather bleary-eyed--not from the mold (Bail leaves tomorrow); just thinking of how cleaning wastes one's time when there are millions of other things to do. I threw out some old lace, old boards, metal junk, a broken table...I rearranged some low shelves, boxed up some dishes, swept a shattered black china panther (where did THAT come from?!) and found a tiny mirror. AHA! Enough 'work'--I decided to make....

A METH HOUSE! Yes, a crack house! I couldn't wait to get started on my new project so I threw down the broom and raced outside. I worked for a while, gathering together some supplies and tools and began to carefully contemplate proper procedure of steps.... I even googled "how to make crank" and so far the LAW hasn't shown up yet!

Later, careful not to cut my fingers up on a razor I was using or jab myself with some rusty metal, Bail sat outside on the porch and began working on her own project. Soon Brig and a few friends parked their asses in my truck bed to watch our progress...
"I'm gonna have a crack house!" I announced proudly. (Friend Jesse was still leery of the ratdoll site I'd visited yesterday--"Your moms a freak.") They all rolled their eyes, but seems rather interested in the detail... while Bail said, "Oh, mom-- you make us so proud!" (snicker!)

So here it is, without the future doll, Miz Meth:

Old suitcase, paper-mached/painted...
Rusty nails/screws/hooks/chain/wire...
Metal strips for bent bed legs...
Wire-screen windows...
Rusty woven wire for a cot bottom...
Stained, moldy linen for mattress/pillow...
Torn lace curtains...
Heavy metal 'cd's...

(You can see a 'brick' corner of the "Rathaus Hostel" that still sits on the porch from last summer--it stores by odds and ends.)


Dan Johnson said...

B, that's awesome, I love it... seriously, that is cool...

drollgirl said...

H AHAHAHAHAHAH!!! OK, this is hilarious. i could go on and on about how i relate to this, but i should just shut my trap and tell you how funny it is. :)

drollgirl said...

and i love how it turned out. i just enlarged the pics. well done!

have you ever seen edward kienholz's sculpture. he is my favorite. you might like his work, too.