Wednesday, April 29, 2009

That's Not a Monkey on My Back....

Well. I've griped about my hip/back pain--3 different doctors, a shot, etc. for months, all to no avail.

But by God, when my back was so scarily tender in a NEW spot on Sunday I implored my son 3 times throughout the day to mark the area EXACTLY with a Sharpie...

"Right here! Right where my finger is touching. Make an X!"
"I didn't feel anything. Mark it!"
"Make an X right here!"

I went to the chiro at 7:30 am Monday morning.
There was no "X".

There was a penis on my back.
Very funny.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Found the pics of my tiny trash buildings. The 'Jail Cell' has real recycled bones and the 'tar' roof is black paint with coffee grounds.
Ed Gein's Tool Shed does not contain anything, but is does have a piece of tanned 'skin' stretched out on its side. You know, in case he wants to make a lampshade.
"Gluttony" is based on one of my fav movies, Se7en--I started gluing down images and words and will someday 'antique' it. (The green word 'Pride' is a sin on another page.)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sea Circus Card Pieces

Watercolored some bits of tubeworms and coral and coated it with gloss I'm trying to decide whether to put Bail on the right or the left....hmmm. I'm glad a digital camera and PhotoShop can help me make these excruciatingly tough life decisions. Nate wasn't even really in this pic earlier!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Cobain Circus

Bloogling again,(blog + google searching) I found a really cool 3'D card site and it also had some circus boats--shoulda bookmark't it!
Rats! I lost my Corona and it's after 10 at night and I just tried to go for a jog and Bailey and Nate haven't called in 2 days..... Focus!

I made this trashcrapft this morning but will have to add more is my Circus Card Creation.