Friday, March 30, 2012

Furniture Re-do.

I got these two crappy little furniture pieces down the block last night for $15.00 apiece.

The 'chest on legs' is real wood and it will become an oriental-inspired chest someday, but I must change those hideous legs.
The golden one is real wood, fake crapwood (What kind of tree produces that?!), slick formica on the top and plastic 'fancy' front legs-yikes. The seller actually said, "ya know, ya might sand off that paint and they could look like real ivory!"--NOT.
I might faux silver the legs and top, paint it antiqued cream and robin's egg w/crystal knobs...then again, I might get crazy and paint it like a Klimt!

Now I just have to get inspired....good thing I can 'pre-plan' through PhotoShop!

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