Friday, May 16, 2008


So late already, and tired...I can hear the darling little owls outside, but no one is here to believe me.
Nearly all of my t-shirts sold at the Regional Track Meet tonight, so that made me smile and we made no mistakes in picking/timing all the kids in their races--quite awesome, since my stomach has been turning over for weeks about THAT! I didn't cry either, not having a kid at the meet. It seemed so weird and uneventful.
Oh well. Speaking of t-shirts, Cardman unexpectedly gave me a present this week... a cool Thai tee. I told my students it said, "Bow Down to the Master" instead of coca-cola like it really said--I fooled a handful of them! After getting the tee, I was thinking how much I like foreign bottle caps (or what most people would view as TRASH). I had some saved from Guatemala and strung them onto an ankle bracelet. I have some baggies of them from Bailey's too and will have to use more of them in a project. I remember how brightly a "landshark" cap showed up in the shallows on the beach...and the Pacifico too...I've even 'shingled' a birdhouse I made with them. So, any travelers that I know will be asked to bring me a FREE present--pick me up a cool bottle cap!
I almost forgot another 'found' item that was the coolest ever:
Bailey and I were in the jungle and went off the beaten path to explore a leaf that was enormously huge--about 6'x6' or more...It was then that I found these weird things on the forest floor, one of which was broken open, exposing a brilliant golden orange mush. Naturally, we stuck our fingers in it and licked them and since it was oddly delicious, we snuck them into my backpack and left the area. Later, we were told that they were expensive 'red banana'; I ate one for breakfast every day after that. So good! I also found some weird lumpy objects on a beautiful tree--we examined the seeds and licked sticky fingers, which made Nate shake his head--we were going to poison ourselves and die or something... but it turned out to be tamarind. Yum!

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