Sunday, September 21, 2008

About Town

Just driving around a bit since it was a nice day and I'd already taken a bike ride...I will post a pic of Motorcycle Steve's place first, since he was afraid I'd snapped a pic of his rear end! It is a very cute little brick house with some white gingerbread:

Here is my ride to school every day-- this red bike that Brigg fixed up for me out of pieces of other bikes. (We have 4 good ones now.) I ride it 1.3 miles to work and home this year, unless it is raining. My black truck is fixed now, but if it rains, I take the green Nissan-- and Yes, I did park it like that on purpose! I guess it shows what a typical Wamego street looks like. Hmmm. These pics keep rearranging and disappearing on me....frown.

There's an old chicken shed in my backyard; it has many items of junk hanging about, along with the bicycles. I guess I will walk around the yard with the camera. My banana peppers are mild, sweet, lovely, and PROLIFIC. I picked 68 of them yesterday and froze them, with tons left. (Only 3 plants and they're loaded.) This antique rose bush was only a foot high in May, but grew many many feet during our weird summer. This hydrangea bush stayed a normal size, but those on the N of my house are taller than my head now and reblooming. Weird. Oh. A boat in the yard that wasn't used this year.

Here's a view down my alley. See the tractor? Back there is where Stalkerman lived.
And I am stopping now because I am getting irritated at blogger for mixing up my pictures. More later...

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