Saturday, December 29, 2007

Altered Books

I love collage and altered books are fabulous--my problem? I usually like to make my own book from scratch, like my 'City Book' and 'Onion Dome Book' and the 'Amazingly Super Dooper Super Secret 1/2 a Submarine Book', all tacky yet unrefined. I have many that I did start, usually for lengthy 'Birthday Cards' or something...those I use old kids books ''cause the pages are thick.
City Book below.
I will see if my son can take pics of the Greeneville Submarine book--some pics might have to be blacked out!


Dan Johnson said...

Thanks for leaving the words of your artwork, especially the dolls they're chawesome !

B. Diederich said...

Ha! My daughter thought I should put up the witchy-one as my profile pic!
And thank you for the comments, too. The creatures are kind of freaky, but there's slightly more 'normal' stuff on my other link sites. Maybe. I guess who's to say what's normal... Keep up the clever posts. I'll check back at a later date...