Friday, October 24, 2008

The Smart-Aleckness (and Dexterity) of Youth

I'm combining a couple things here as I have been encouraged (and baited) to drink a couple rounds of....absinthe....and some other God-awful concoction that probably tastes like cough syrup, but my throat is numb from strong Anise flavoring... and thus it is tasteless to me...much like my own self anymore.

Yesterday I heard a few bars of the above music (don't even try to listen to it all) and I burst out with 'Oh my gosh! I remember exactly what that was!'

"Ghouls and Ghosts"-- early 1990's and the beginnings of Tegan's obsession with all things digital/electronical/computerized/mechanical/coding/on-screen/thus requiring rapid finger movements (the first few hours when your entire upper body moves with the Ghoul or Mario or Link or Sonic or whomever is leaping across the screen at any given moment until your shoulders realize they are not a participant in whatever evil befalls--only the hands are important) and the utmost in brain concentration!

In remembrance, don't speak to a will be ALL YOUR FAULT if they miss the 3rd level and have to start over!

Brigham was watching a Youtube of the old Super Ghouls game before he went out the door to buy a Coke at the gas station. Of course, I admonished that pops were too expensive and 'you should not waste your money' whereupon he replied that he wasn't wasting HIS money.
(DRAT! My $5.00 had been laying on the table...) Smart Aleck!

And this morning I heard the sound of rustling as he entered the door after work...I'd always hoped that he'd stop and pick up some groceries now and then, but to no avail.
'Yea!' I cheer from the kitchen (I was a good cheerleader in high school), 'I hear SACKS! I hear SACKS!'
'Oh yeah?' he replies, 'I hear an OLD BAG.'

Smart Aleck.

So here I sit typing and him and the boys are upstairs. Brig had bought coke and chips. I went up there to mention that REAL food was available for the 4 of them, but was screeched at: 'Can't you see I'm floating in Zero Gravity and you just messed me up?!'

Hmmm. All I saw is some 4-legged scorpion monster explode guts all over the screen from some sci-fi blast gun...Oh so sorry!
Again....don't speak to a gamer....or you'll ruin their level....! How many times have I heard that? Or the phrase begged...'just wait 'til I beat this level...just wait 'til I beat this level...
(No one tells you it could be a 3 hr time deferential!)

I'd made a huge pot of chili, cornbread, brownies for these guys ON MY DAY OFF...but now it sits cooling off; it is sadly ignored for the sake of a sugar cube, lighter, shot glass and hopes of seeing a Green Fairy. This will not happen though...a few brave swallows of this strange liquor (and some smart aleck remarks geared toward mom), but NONE of them could handle the taste of licorice, so they ran back upstairs to attempt Mario Kart this time (while I practice unsuccessfully on an online Tetris game-- absinthe+finger dexterity= failure.)

Well, that's good-- they didn't need absinthe anyway...attempting to light a spooned sugar cube on fire reminded me of old-movie-mad-scientists (or heroin addicts), so thank god no one was watching them through the window! Is that why Frankenstein has a green face?

So go up and play your games boys, and I will smile and thank my lucky stars that I can't hear 48 hours straight of continual Wolfenstein/Duke Nukem/Doom music reverberating through my ears like the (sigh. ahhh.) good old days!

[Sarah have NO IDEA of Tegan's old addiction to lan parties! Just ask 'GOD' himself.]

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